WARNING: This product contains nicotine. Nicotine is an addictive chemical.

The following electronic cigarette reviews and testimonials have been submitted by our valued users. It's no secret that people all across the nation adore the undeniable indulgence that a South Beach Smoke has to offer. By providing a broad range of attractive flavors and electric cigarette accessories, and allowing smokers to once again enjoy a relaxing smoke while occupying public indoor areas, our products are putting the pleasure back in smoking.

Naturally, we believe our product can contend with any other brand and come out on top, but we're not the only ones who believe in South Beach Smoke. The electronic cigarette testimonials you'll find on this page are intended to be informative and give you a chance to gauge just how satisfying our product has proven.

We at South Beach Smoke hope these e-cigarette reviews help you decide whether our products are right for you. If you'd like to know more about our starter kits, cartridges and electronic cigarette accessories, feel free to check our FAQ, contact customer service or sign up for a free report (which includes a free newsletter subscription) today.

Now with South Beach Smoke, I don't have to worry about odors Now with South Beach Smoke, I don't have to worry about odors

Being a smoker, I was constantly worried about the smell. Now with South Beach Smoke, I don't have to worry about odors

Dan A, Chicago, IL

South Beach Smoke South Beach Smoke

Smokers are discriminated against all the time. We can't smoke anywhere. With South Beach Smoke, I can now legally smoke in restaurants, bars, theaters and even on airplanes. It's extremely liberating to know I can smoke almost wherever I want and whenever I want... and without bothering anyone.

Tony M, San Diego, CA

$69.97 $55.97
$84.96 $67.96
$114.94 $91.94
$169.92 $135.92
The vapor in e-cigs leaves no smell whatsoever on me The vapor in e-cigs leaves no smell whatsoever on me

After a full day of smoking, not only did my breath stink, but my car, home and clothes all smelled like smoke and ash. As a result of switching to e-cigarettes, I no longer have to worry about standing too close to someone. The vapor in e-cigs leaves no smell whatsoever on me or my surroundings.

Jason S, Catskill, NY

Thanks South Beach Smoke! Thanks South Beach Smoke!

I was smoking a pack a day and spending about $200 a month on cigarettes. Now I have cut that cost down over 50%... plus I get all the extra benefits of an electronic cigarette. Thanks South Beach Smoke!

Hazel H, Riverside, CA

$129.93 $103.93
$69.97 $55.97
$84.96 $67.96
best quality I find in the South Beach Smoke e-cig best quality I find in the South Beach Smoke e-cig

By far the best quality I find in the South Beach Smoke e-cig is that it is 100% smoke-free. I am no longer pulling toxic smoke into my lungs. It also doesn't bother those around me (like my lovely wife) and it doesn't stink up my clothes or give me bad breath. You should change the name of your company to South Beach Smokeless!

Mike B, Miami, FL