WARNING: This product contains nicotine. Nicotine is an addictive chemical.

Find out how public opinion, regulation and poor marketing are impacting e-cig users right now

Lately, electronic cigarettes have become a very popular alternative to traditional cigarette smoking.  The industry now boasts billions of dollars in annual sales and Big Tobacco companies are starting to take notice.

However, e-cig users need to be aware of certain trends and issues that could possibly affect the electronic cigarette industry (for good and bad) in the coming weeks, months and years.

Public Opinion

Many people just don't know enough about electronic cigarettes and believe the lie that they are basically the same as traditional cigarettes.  We all know that traditional cigarettes cause cancer and other serious diseases and health issues.  Unfortunately, some people are unaware that vaping does not release the toxins and carcinogens into the air like smoking does.

If you are an e-cig user, this is exactly why it's so important to educate yourself so that you can help improve public awareness and knowledge regarding your electronic cigarettes. If the public opinion does not change, then restrictions will only increase.

Restricting E-Cigs in Public Places

The less educated people are about e-cigs, the more room there is for ignorant restrictions to arise in the future. In 10 years, will electronic cigarettes be treated like traditional cigarettes?  If so, then when and where you will be permitted to vape your e-cig will grow smaller and smaller.

Currently, each state is able to make its own laws regarding where one can use an e-cig device. It is up to each e-cig user to represent the vaping community in a positive way to their friends, family and neighbors.

Of course, sometimes this is easier said than done. For instance, you may be vaping when someone gives you a cold look, issues a loud (fake) cough, or says something to you about the smell (even though e-cig vapor is odorless).  In these situations, it's best not to get defensive. Instead, you can use this as a teaching opportunity. They truly may be unaware, so engaging in a polite, adult discussion about electronic cigarettes and vaping may be beneficial for both of you.

$69.97 $55.97
The price depends on the options chosen on the product page
$84.96 $67.96
The price depends on the options chosen on the product page
$114.94 $91.94
The price depends on the options chosen on the product page
$169.92 $135.92
The price depends on the options chosen on the product page

Electronic Cigarette Marketing

Many believe that e-cig flavors are marketed to attract young children and teenagers.  Plenty of government organizations have perpetuated this myth, despite the many adults in the vaping community who say they enjoy sweet flavors too.

$129.93 $103.93
The price depends on the options chosen on the product page
$69.97 $55.97
The price depends on the options chosen on the product page
$84.96 $67.96
The price depends on the options chosen on the product page
$39.99 $31.99
The price depends on the options chosen on the product page

At SouthBeach, we completely agree that our products should get into the hands of people age 18 or over – period. Our electronic cigarettes are for adults only who want to take vaping seriously.

As time goes on, there will undoubtedly be more issues impacting electronic cigarettes and those who use these devices.  The best advice we can give current or potential e-cig users is to constantly educate yourself on the issues so that you can provide accurate information to others about this new smoking alternative.

In addition to paying attention to the latest e-cig headlines via your favorite news sources, we encourage you to check out our knowledge center to learn more about our vaping products and the revolutionary technology behind our awesome electronic cigarettes.