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Quit Smoking Community
South Beach Smoke has excellent starter kit and flavor options and is one of the best Electronic Cigarettes brands of the year. Read more e-cig reviews at Vaping Daily. See Review

Best E-Cig Brands
What is particularly noticeable about the South Beach Smoke devices is that none of them need any primary primer drags to warm up the e-liquid and get things flowing. From the first puff the customer can instantaneously enjoy the South Beach Smoke experience. This also goes for the smallest devise sold: The Deluxe.

Ecig Advanced
Ecig Advanced has been at the forefront of all things electronic cigarette since 2009. Whether you're looking for news, product reviews, a vibrant social community, or coupons, ECA has you covered. Whereas other sites are there to sell to you, Ecig Advanced is there to help you. Come see why we've given the latest South Beach Smoke Deluxe Kit five stars.