Best Tobacco Vape Flavors Guide

Many folks switch to vaping to enjoy tobacco flavor without the pesky smoke or ash typically associated with smoking traditional cigarettes. But what are South Beach Smoke's best tobacco flavor vape juice options out there, and which one is right for you? This guide has all the answers you’re looking for…  

South Beach Smoke Best Tobacco Vape Flavors Guide 

  1.  Deluxe Classic Tobacco Flavor

If you’re looking for the best flavor E-cigarette options for switching from cigarettes, a good place to start is our classic tobacco flavored vapes. This timeless and traditional flavor has the perfect balance of smoky taste with a hint of southern tobacco sweetness. We highly recommend it if you enjoy Marlboro, Pal-Mal, Winston, or Lucky Strike. You can also select between 6, 12, 16, or 24 mg of nicotine content to customize your experience. 

  1. Deluxe Golden Tobacco Flavor

Looking for a bold and rich tobacco experience with more intensity and full-bodied flavor? Then Deluxe Golden Tobacco is the ticket for you! This is our Turkish/Middle Eastern tobacco flavored vape juice Blend. It is also our strongest and most vibrant flavor. We recommend Deluxe Golden Tobacco for fans of Camel, Kent, American Spirit, Merit, or European cigarette varieties. 

  1.  Deluxe Tobacco Blue Flavor

Seeking out the smoother, more refined side of tobacco taste? Deluxe Tobacco Blue is a perfect choice. This is the easiest of our tobacco juice flavors with a smooth smoke. If you enjoy Parliament, Viceroy, Kent, Benson & Hedges, or L&M, this is the way to go. Grab your packs today! 

So there you have it, the South Beach Smoke guide to our incredible tobacco flavors. If you have any additional questions about the best tobacco flavored disposable vape juice, feel free to contact our customer support team. We look forward to hearing from you!